Red-Devil the cat whio loves mirrors

Red-Devil ... The Cat Who Loves Mirrors

Red-Devil the cat on line

Devil telling cat he is hot stuff
The real devil

Red-Devil the cat looking in mirror
Red-Devil was 6 weeks old when I met him at Kings Highway Cat Rescue. The story of this tiny ball of red fur huddled in the corner of a cage broke my heart and I called him mine the moment I laid eyes on him. He was found on a snowdrift and was rescued the day before we met. It was 12 degrees and I was told that he was covered with ice and grease and was unable to walk... and he was starving. He appeared to be paralyzed but he just needed to thaw out.

This little kitty soon grew into a big, healthy, beautiful cat with a luxurious coat of fur. Red-Devil is a shy cat and he gets frightened easily. The sound of thunder or a car backfiring in the street makes him howl and run for cover. Still, he is curious, full of life and loves to drag things around the house.

He also has a fascination with mirrors and can sit in front of one and stare at himself for long periods of time. Mirrors don't lie and I guess he can see that he's hot stuff.

Cartoon Diabella
When he heard about the Miss Mae contest he was eager to enter and was sure his good looks would win first prize.

It was a disappointment that he only won 3rd place.

I'll let him tell you about the entry he submitted in his own words.

Cat: Red-Devil Red-Devil

Red-Devil's winning award
"Drat! 3rd Place in the Miss Mae contest! Only 3rd place?? Katzenberg beat me out?? Here's my winning entry."
"I first met Diabella at Kings Highway Cat Rescue on a cold January day while she was visiting the shelter. She told me that I was beautiful even though there was no fur on my nose, and to prove it she let me look into a tiny mirror that she removed from her pocketbook. It was the first time I had ever seen a mirror and I *LOVED* what I saw.

The rescuers had spotted me the previous evening atop a high snowdrift. I was crying cuz I was hungry and cuz it was soooo very cold. I was covered with grease and icicles and the frost had burned all the fur off my pink nose. However, I'm sure that I still looked very beautiful. Everyone thought that I was paralyzed because I could not walk, but I was just frozen stiff and had to thaw out. Diabella said that it broke her heart to look at me and I went home with her that day.

Although I am shy I am a real ball of fire, extremely mischievous, and a devil in the real sense of the word. I like to push tomatoes off the kitchen counter and kick them around the house like footballs. I enjoy chasing the tails of Katzenberg and Count Dracula and biting Diabella's toes when the lights go out. However, my very favorite hobby is preening in front of mirrors and I smile a satisfied smile whenever I see my reflection.

Cuz I am such a conceited cat, and cuz I come from such sad circumstances, I need to win the Miss Mae Contest. I am one gorgeous cat so I know I'm gonna win First Prize."

"Well, so I only won 3rd place in the Miss Mae contest, but a few years later I won 2nd place in the famous BFCC Halloween contest for a group picture of me and Dracula. One day I'm gonna win 1st place somewhere!

Below is the wining picture and the award.

I know we won because of ME... and not because of Dracula!"
winning entry   

Now it's "your" turn to win!

Submit your site for the Red-Devil Hot Site Award Here:

The real Devil
Red-Devil award

cartoon Diabella
Do Cats Dream?

I would never have believed it was possible until I somehow fell into Red-Devil's dream. and saw this!

Judge for yourself.

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Diabella Loves Cats ... Web Site Index

This is a brief index. The index on the Home Page has full details on each page.

Home Rescue I: Kings Highway
Cat Rescue
Rescue II: The CACC Rescue III:
My Rescues
Shelters Red Devil Dracula Tropicana
Catland Cat Cafe Series
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